
ART | 41 | BASEL | Unlimited

June 14th – 20th 2010
83 Grand Street

Flip Side of the Same Hall 1, Booth U 20

Team Gallery is pleased to announce Pierre Bismuth's participation in Art | 41 | Basel | Unlimited.  The installation Flip Side of the Same playfully confounds the roles of gallery and artist. In this case the artist will "represent" the gallery, rather than the traditional arrangement of the gallery representing the artist. A slightly smaller scale facsimile of Team's Art | 41 | Basel booth will be installed as a large scale sculpture by Bismuth, in Hall 1, Booth U 20.





« KRATOS — ABOUT (IL)LEGITIMATE(D) POWER, curated by Raphael Gygax Exhibition history ART | 41 | BASEL | Art Galleries »