Sailor Someone (Homage To The Coil)
2010 rope, cigarettes, Best Coconut labels, paper, acrylic, dyed canvas, t-shirt and synthetic fabric on cardboard on dyed canvas on panel 40.5 x 35 inches
Not Yet Titled
2009-2010 canvas, scrubs, t-shirt, acrylic, Q-tips, cigarettes, matches, grinder plastic, thread, paper and fuzz on cardboard mounted on canvas mounted on panel 39 x 27.5 inches

abc art berlin contemporary

Chris Vasell
September 7th – 11th 2011
83 Grand Street

Team (gallery, inc.) is pleased to present new paintings on, and “about,” cardboard by Los Angeles-based artist Chris Vasell. Vasell’s body of work using cardboard and recycled papers displays the artist’s deep interest in experimenting and negotiating with painting’s most fundamental elements: color, form, composition. Presenting painterly structure in the careful and poetic arrangement of used materials, the artist does not radically transform objects designated as discards, as “trash” — paper cups, fruit stickers, cigarette butts, sweater fuzz — but instead arranges them with restless play, honesty, and optimism to attune the viewer to the glee, vigor and humor of their intrinsic physical properties.

The participating artists were selected under the curatorial guidance of Rita Kersting, former director of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, who, together with Marc Glöde (film theorist and the curator of abc 2010) designed the exhibition’s spatial setting and presentation.

abc art berlin contemporary was founded four years ago as a new independent, hybrid exhibition format, between curated show and gallery event. The initiators, a group of Berlin galleries, have succeeded in establishing the exhibition as an important date in the international art calendar.

abc art berlin contemporary will take place from the 7th to the 11th of September at Station-Berlin located on the Luckenwalder Strasse in the heart of Mitte. Further information is available at:




« I Sent My Love A Red, Red Rose Exhibition history Joan Baez is Alive »
Instant Hot Spot
2009-2010 Silkies, cardboard, cigarettes, shoe rubber, shoe canvas, foam, t-shirt, paper, canvas, electrical wire, dried orange peel, address sticker, acrylic, foil, dried banana peel, lotto ticket, polyester, ribbon, fuzz and strap on cardboard mounted on canvas mounted on panel 66 x 47 inches
2010 bottle cap, paper, cardboard, plastic, mold, faux wood, wood, fuzz, ash, coffee and water cooler cups, Prismacolor, coaster, address label and electrical wire on cardboard mounted on acrylic dyed canvas mounted on panel 40.5 x 35 inches