

June 13th – 19th 2016
Rheinsprung 1, Basel, 4051 CH
83 Grand Street

For Parcours, the 29-year-old digital artist Tabor Robak will present the abstract, single-channel Skypad. Engaging with the artist’s omnipresent interest in the technology of commercial display, the work will be shown in the window of a local clothing store called 3 Kings, located at Rheinsprung 1, 4051 Basel. The work's slow pace and intermittently discordant, multifarious forms and color palettes spawn an appearance of textural depth. The image is constantly in the process of constructing itself, layering linear shapes of various widths and complexities: the result is an artwork that appears perpetually incomplete, forever moving towards an unattainable horizon.

The work apparently apes certain aesthetic elements from the history of painting, but Robak’s intention is not to comment on that medium – instead, he attributes those similarities to comparable creative ambitions, resulting in shared compositional and coloristic choices. By recontextualizing elements of the more traditional medium, the artist explores the powerful potential of computers as not only tools, but active agents in art-making – in a sense, he is teaching machines to paint.


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