

February 21st – 25th 2018
83 Grand Street

Team (gallery inc.) is pleased to announce its participation at ARCO. This marks our third appearance at Madrid’s contemporary art fair. The gallery will be located in stand 7A04.

The gallery will present two artists from its program: Ryan McGinley and Tabor Robak. McGinley will be represented by photographs from his series You and My Friends, while Robak will show a new computer-generated triptych.

Ryan McGinley’s colorful grids are composed of images taken with a telephoto lens during outdoor rock festivals. The subjects are unaware of the camera that has captured them, therefore allowing the artist to record truly privileged moments. McGinley, by immersing himself fully in the durational aspect of these festivals, becomes a deeply involved observer, both physically and emotionally immersed in the throng while still maintaining a certain sense of removal.

To date, McGinley’s grids have been enormous, reaching as many as sixteen feet in width. At ARCO, however, McGinley will show four grids each made up of between two and six 20-inch square photographs. These grids make of the spectacle of the rock event something warm and intimate.

Tabor Robak will show a single piece. Entitled Blossom, the work is a three-channel video streaming from a customized PC. The piece is comprised of 33 one-minute scenes – 30 blossoms and 3 alphabets. Each “scene” presents a unique “blossom” – an abstract, geometric alien flower object. Each scene nests the blossom within a different environment of lush, animating elements, playing up the unique personality of each one.

The scenes are also populated throughout by multiple animated text elements. The text is made-up of randomly generated “loglines” – short descriptions of a movie or book, hinting at a plot, character arc or narrative event. Robak thinks of Blossom as a parallel to the development of language itself, structured as it is around the liminal state in which the mind begins to relate stories.

McGinley has been the subject of numerous monographs, including three published by Rizzoli. Although still only forty, McGinley has already been the subject of a dozen solo museum shows, including those in New York, Vienna, Seoul, Amsterdam and Tokyo. His work is held in numerous public collections including those of the Guggenheim and the Whitney in New York City, SFMoMA in California, MUSAC in León, the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. and GAMeC in Bergamo.

Among others, Robak’s work can be found in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Albright-Knox in Buffalo; the Metropolitan Museum, New York; the Deste Foundation in Athens and the Migros Museum in Zürich. Recent commissions include those for the Serpentine in London and Microsoft in New York.

ARCO is located in Halls 7 and 9 of Feria de Madrid at Avenida del Partenón, 5. Professional visits are held on Wednesday, 21 February and Thursday, 22 February, from noon to 8pm. Public hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 23, 24 and 25 February 2018.

For further information please visit:



« TEARS Exhibition history mark »
You and My Friends #9
Ryan McGinley
four framed chromogenic prints
each at 21 x 21 inches; 54 x 54 cm.
overall: 44 x 44 inches; 112 x 112 cm.