Not Yet Titled (The End)
Banks Violette 2010 steel, lighting, electrical components, assorted hardware 95 x 98 x 12 inches unique  
Extreme Joint Locking and Breaking
Gardar Eide Einarsson 2010 acrylic on canvas 84 x 72
Ryan McGinley 2010 gelatin silver print 21 x 40 inches edition of three
Not Yet Titled (Dustin Hoffman)
Dawn Mellor 2010 oil and marker pen on canvas 30 x 20 inches
Not Yet Titled (Isabelle Huppert)
Dawn Mellor 2010 oil and marker pen on canvas 40 x 30 inches

Frieze 2010

Slater Bradley, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Ryan McGinley, Dawn Mellor, Banks Violette, and Stanley Whitney
October 14th – 17th 2010
83 Grand Street

We are pleased to announce our participation in the 2010 Frieze Art Fair.  The gallery will be located in booth E15.

At this year’s installment of Frieze, Team will exhibit works by several gallery artists, rather than mounting a solo project as we have done in the past. The artists are Slater Bradley, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Ryan McGinley, Dawn Mellor, Banks Violette, and Stanley Whitney.

Slater Bradley continues his Doppelganger series and his interests in the archival by printing a photograph that he had taken ten years ago in Times Square. By lovingly embellishing this large image with moon gold leaf, Bradley reanimates a moment from his own artistic prehistory, connecting his ongoing project with its genesis. Gardar Eide Einarsson will be represented by a new text painting rendered in black, white, and gray. His text-less abstractions based on book jackets of classic modernist novels have given way to an investigation of the graphical qualities of the language itself. Ryan McGinley will show color photographs from his most recent road trip, along with black and white studio portraits of models posing with exotic animals. Dawn Mellor’s ongoing Vile Affections series has grown to incorporate portraits of Mia Farrow, Isabelle Huppert and Dustin Hoffman, to name a few. Mellor’s process of appropriating-rendering-defacing continues to exhibit equal measures of sensitive mastery and violent rage. Banks Violette’s first large-scale text based installation includes a three-meter square steel scaffold displaying the words The End. A second scaffold supports a grid of lights, which serves to illuminate a billboard seemingly created to announce an impending apocalypse. We are also pleased to be exhibiting a painting by the 64-year-old Stanley Whitney alongside the younger artists who help form the basis of the gallery’s program.  A six-foot-square painting, in his signature grammatical play of blocks of color and horizontal bands, will go a long way towards animating the stand.

Please contact the gallery at 212.279.9219 for information or images.









« Art Forum Berlin Exhibition history The Estate of Chris Vasell »
Doppelganger In Times Square
Slater Bradley 1999-2010 c-print with moon gold leaf 72 x 59.5 inches unique
Tom (Snow-White)
Ryan McGinley 2010 c-print 110 x 72 inches edition of three  
Tom (Golden Tunnel)
Ryan McGinley 2010 c-print 72 x 110 edition of three
Goya's Days and Nights
Stanley Whitney 2009 oil on linen 72 x 72 inches